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Principals speak

Involving our Talmidimin the Parshathon (for over two decades) has achieved many goals.  Amont them are:  knowledge of the difficulties others face, recognition that each of us must use our talents and resources to assist those in need of help, and a deep appreciation of the health and multiple Berachos with which Hashem has blessed us. 
- Rabbi Yitzchak Charner, Headmaster
Torah School of Greater Washington, Silver Spring, MD
 We are proud to partner with Chai Lifeline and Camp Simcha to help them accomplish their amazing work!  Our students at Yavneh Academy learn Torah and collect Tzedakah every year on behalf of their peers at Chai Lifeline.  Keep us your inspiring work!
- Rabbi Yitzchok FurstYavneh Academy, Paramus, NJ
 We find that the Chai-A-thon experience helps children to begin realizing differences in people and developing feelings of empathy and Nosai B'ol with others. This happens almost without their realization and while having a fabulously good time.
- Dassy Weinberg Camp Director
Shevach Day Camp, Lakewood, NJ
 I have been promoting the Chai Lifeline Swimathon in my camp for over 10 years. It's a win-win! A win for Chai Lifeline as it helps fund Camp Simcha, and a win for my campers giving them the opportunity to be part of something so special. As much as we are able to do for Chai Lifeline, Chai Lifeline does for us because the Chai-A-Thon increases the Ruach in the camp and teaches the boys what it means to do for someone else. I highly recommend this program to all camps that want to instill their campers with the value of giving as well as add a new dimension of excitement to their camp.
- Chaim Ellis, MSW Camp Head Counselor
Camp STEP, a division of Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, OH