Welcome to my Kids4Chai page!
Eva Einhorn
Eva Einhorn
Hi! Thanks so much taking an interest in my Kids4Chai effort! You can help me make my Bat Mitzvah even more meaningful by contributing to my Kids4Chai page! I LOVE summer! I like everything about it - the fun, the activities, and the friends we meet and keep. The kids at Camp Simcha should feel the same way. That is one of the reasons I want to help, and donate. I would be so bored if I couldn't go to camp or do exciting activities during my summer vacation. It’s a painful feeling to think that some kids can’t be happy or have fun because they are sick or disabled. I also went to a camp that participated in Chai-A-Thon for years. I have always donated, and as I grew older, I realized that I don’t need any gifts in return, so I stopped accepting them. I had a great time, and I felt like I was really helping people, and that it really meant something. That's why I am doing this. Kids who are too sick for camp must feel extra awful during the summer. I'm helping to send them to Camp Simcha/Camp Simcha Special, Chai Lifeline's summer camps for sick children, so that they can forget about being sick and have a great time this summer, too. By helping me, you're helping them! Thank you for showing YOU TRULY CARE for Chai Lifeline's kids! I really do hope that all of these kids get the fun they deserve. I want to put in my best effort, and I hope I raise more than my goal. Thank you! Love - Eva