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A Message from Avi Greenlinger, Chairman, Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic Region
Avi Greenlinger
My name is Avi Greenlinger and I am the Chairman of Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic. When someone in our immediate circle is affected by a pediatric illness, it becomes so surreal. For me it was Coby, an 11 year old child and youngest son of my business partner. Coby has been battling an aggressive brain tumor for more than 2 years now. His passion is football and he would do anything to run down the field again one day on his own.
When Coby was diagnosed in late 2014, there was no Chai Lifeline region in the area. With the passion of Coby’s mom and a few others, we were able to open the office in January 2016 to what is now the Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic Region. With 160 volunteers, a case manager, and program director, we are servicing over 100 families in Maryland, DC, and Virginia.
Chai Lifeline is the organization that attends to the overall well-being of each individual and family unit that is affected by a life-threatening or chronic illness. The most impressive parts of our organization include a premier summer camp experience, advocacy, weekend retreats, amazing recreational programs, assistance for families when children are hospitalized, and crisis management – all free to families. These outstanding and life changing services are staffed by experienced professionals and volunteers that love and care for our children and their families, enabling them to wake every day with hope—whether at home, in the hospital or in Camp Simcha!
Being involved with Chai Lifeline has been the most humbling experience for me. I have witnessed the huge impact and hope that we are able to provide many families that are experiencing illness. The commitment that no family should have to deal with illness alone is the top priority. This organization is like no other that I have been involved with before.
While part of a national organization, our local programming and services are our region's responsibility. Money raised in our region provides direct services to children and families in our region. There is so much work to be done! Please consider your donation now to Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic.
Avi Greenlinger
Chai Lifeline Mid-Atlantic
26 donors