My Chai Lifeline Evan Levy Z"L Fundraising Page
Dylan's Bar Mitzvah
Evan was my best friend and he was kind, friendly, and always had a big smile that made everyone feel happy when they were with him. Evan and l loved to have play dates and go swimming, and we both had an obsession with chicken nuggets and Paw Patrol. Evan is always in my heart and in my thoughts and I miss him everyday. As I celebrate my bar mitzvah, I am reminded even more of the impact Evan made on me and who I am today. In honor of my Bar Mitzvah, I invite you to join me in supporting the Evan Levy Z"L Fund. Every dollar I raise will directly contribute to Chai Lifeline's impactful mission. The Evan Levy Z"L Fund aims to alleviate the financial burdens faced by families affected by illness, leaving a lasting impact on thousands of lives. Your contribution not only supports this vital cause but also honors Evan's enduring legacy of love, kindness, and courage.
Thank you for being part of this meaningful journey.
With love and appreciation,
Dylan Nadritch